Memorial Weekend 2020 felt like a relevant time to revisit this recording of When The Saints Go Marching In, to honor the lives of heroes lost during both the past and most recent of days. The concept of my arrangement was similar to a New Orleans Funeral or Celebration of Life – a contemplative piano introduction, followed by a jubilant jazz band send off: Continue reading “When The Saints Go Marching In (Lesson in Jazz Harmony)”
Creating Bass Lines for Solo Piano: Go Down Moses Tutorial
A pianist often wonders what to do with the left hand when playing solo without a bassist. Using the spiritual Go Down Moses as an example, I’ll share some of my favorite tips for creating solid bass lines, including ways to have fun exploring reharmonization in minor keys. Continue reading “Creating Bass Lines for Solo Piano: Go Down Moses Tutorial”
Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most -You Must Believe In Spring (and Love)
These melancholy ballads do well to express my mood this year. The first week of Spring 2020 began with all concerts, church jobs, club gigs, parties, music performances of all types being cancelled. My heart went out to musicians cutting short their tours, professional and Continue reading “Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most -You Must Believe In Spring (and Love)”
On A Clear Day: 3 Ways 2 Play 4 Piano
Musicians who are also Educators have a burning desire to create, perform, and share ideas with others, which can be tough during these times of quarentine due to COVID-19. Fortunately for me, I’ve been self isolating along with my musician husband who happens to be a very fine jazz bassist. True Confession: We don’t normally practice together Continue reading “On A Clear Day: 3 Ways 2 Play 4 Piano”
How to Play Coronavirus Etude (For Piano and Disinfecting Wipe)
Explaining the Greek Modes
Observe today’s music theory illustration pictured above. Notice the photo of these colorful Four O’clock Flowers – each bloom is unique, but they all are linked together as a family that grows from the same parent plant.
This week one of my newer adult piano students eagerly read ahead in my book Amazing Phrasing – Keyboard, and got a bit confused trying to understand the Greek modes/scales we refer to in both jazz & traditional music theory. During her first lesson this enthusiastic lady Continue reading “Explaining the Greek Modes”
Adding Chords to a Jazz Ballad: Skylark Tutorial
Ever wonder how jazz musicians come up with inspired chords when playing ballads? Reharmonization can be a fun experiment to try! Watch my video to find 3 ways to create a compelling bass line plus some sweet chord voicings to play under the melody of Hoagy Carmichael’s classic composition Skylark:
The Old Rugged Cross: Old School Hymn Played Gospel Style with Sunday Mash-Up
Ever notice how certain old hymns have chords and candences like other familiar tunes? (Especially the ones in 3/4 time can sound like Irish or Country Waltzes, Holiday Hits, or early American Songs.) I was MONKeying around with this request for The Old Rugged Cross, getting ready for a memorial service, when I kept getting distracted by other tunes which sounded similar.
Continue reading “The Old Rugged Cross: Old School Hymn Played Gospel Style with Sunday Mash-Up”
What Do Jazz Musicians Think About When Improvising?
What goes on in your head when you improvise? Are you thinking about something in particular, or just playing “anything” and not really thinking at all? How are you able to improvise with other musicians you’ve never played with before and sound so good together?
The orthopedic surgeon who was vacationing on a recent Jazz & Wine Riverboat Cruise sincerely wanted to know what goes on inside a jazz musician’s brain. Continue reading “What Do Jazz Musicians Think About When Improvising?”
Overjoyed: Playing the Piano as an Orchestral Instrument
When making a solo piano arrangement you must do 4 things with 2 hands: Provide the Melody, Harmony, Bass Line, Rhythm. How you divide up these elements between 2 hands can vary. I used 3 different registers on the piano while playing this lovely tune to add variety. Continue reading “Overjoyed: Playing the Piano as an Orchestral Instrument”